How Many Sleeping Positions Are Good For Your Health?

correct sleeping position

Sleep is a daily activity that everybody needs to do; even babies do it. A good sleep can bring us good health, prevent some diseases: obesity, dementia, diabetes and heart problem. There are many factors affecting the quality of sleep such as noise, light, furniture, temperature and even sleep positions.

You may not know that sleep positions have a close relationship with quality of sleep. Wrong positions can cause neck pain, numbness, muscle tension. So how many sleeping positions are there? And what are their pros and cons? The article will show you three popular sleeping positions.

Side Sleeping Position

side sleeping position

Side sleeping position means sleepers tend to curl up or lie straight on their side ( right or left). This is the favorite position of most of the people. With this position, the airway is opened, and the spine is unloaded.

This is also a good position during pregnancy for women because it enhances circulation to the heart, which brings benefit both mother and baby. During this time, sleeping on the back creates pressure on the lower back, that can lead to fainting.

Besides, side sleeper can avoid heartburn and acid reflux; this position can make people getting these conditions feel better and easy fall asleep faster.

However, side sleeping position also can put pressure on the stomach and lungs. Moreover, the same situation that side sleeper usually meet is squished-arm-numbness.

The sleeping position with the arm behind the head is quite popular, but it may affect muscles and nerves. This way can restrict blood flow and press down on the nerves which lead to being painful pins and needles.

With this position, shoulders also play an important role; they must support most of the body’s weight. That why side sleepers usually get neck and shoulder muscle pain.

With this problem, you can limit it by using the Degascogne mattress for side sleepers or side sleeper pillow. That product can support your neck and help you feel more comfortable during sleeping.

Back Sleeping Position

back sleeping position

Back sleepers are people who sleep on their back, face and stomach are upward. With this position, you will get a boon for neck and spine because your back is straight and not forced into any contortion.

By this position, the mattress can be excellent its job of supporting your spine. This position is an ideal way for most of the people because it can protect our neck – the place which is easy to get hurt.

If you are a back sleeper, you should note that do not use think pillows because that pillow can make breathing more difficult. It is better if you buy a pillow which is low.

Besides, spending all night with the face out in the air can protect your skin from wrinkles, acne and other facial problem. That is the good position to keep your skin smooth.

However, back sleeping is close with sleep apnea. When we sleep on our back, gravity forces the tongue to collapse into the airway. This is the reason why there is some snoring noise while you are sleeping.

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Stomach Sleeping Position

Stomach Sleeping Position

Not many people prefer this position because it has more draw backs then pros. The only advantage of this sleeping position is easing snoring. In this position, your head is rotated to one side. You can not be stuck in that way, but people with neck or thoracic outlet issues will get trouble in this position.

However, this position is the worst one, especially for people with back problems. This way can flatten the curve of the spine and lead to lower back pain. In fact, your spine is called a “neutral” position.

It means the neutral alignment keeps every piece in your back in right positions. That can prevent pressure on your discs, nerves, and muscles. However, stomach positions ruin that ideal position and it is hard to achieve the comfortable feeling.

A funny thing that some people feel very comfortable in this position. To limit the drawbacks of this position, you can put a pillow underneath your pelvis to limit lumbar hyper extension.

You can also use a thin pillow for your head. By this way, the neck is not cranked back into extension.

In conclusion, these are three common sleeping positions for you: back, side, stomach sleeping position. What is your favorite position? Hope you already know both pros and cons of each sleeping position to find the best solution for your sleep.


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