How Testing RV Converter Can be Done Properly? 6 Simple Steps!

testing rv converter

It is quite necessary to use the RV converter in the electrical system because it can boost the power of other electrical devices at your home. However, it is not easy to know how to test RV converter. Testing RV converter may seem daunting, but we are here to help. With our 6 simple steps, you’ll be able to test your RV converter like a pro!

An overview of the RV converter

A converter charger in a recreational vehicle is provided by 120-volt rotating when the RV is attached to the side power or when an exactly connected generator is working. The basic purpose of the converter charger is to recharge a dismissal, bank of batteries, and discharge coach battery.

In general, a full power of 12-volt electricity is accessible again. The process in the RV converter can begin thanks to converting 120-volt alternating current electricity (AC electricity) to 12V direct current electricity (DC electricity). Thus, testing the performance of an RV charger converter can be a challenging process and should be done with precision. Let’s figure out how testing RV Converter can be done!

How testing RV converter can be done with 6 Steps

How to Test RV Converter Correctly? Implement this Job with 6 Simple Steps!

#1 – Check the AC Voltage first

The first point to do is to recognize the whole of the RV’s 120V power. By doing this, you enable to take a voltage meter when the power is being transferred to the converter charger. Then, you ought to put the RV into a running generator. Do not forget to check the reading again.

Further reading:

Typically, the suitable voltage reading that could not destroy your appliances or other cellular devices is from 103 to 130 AC. Nonetheless, a voltage reading over 120 voltages can damage all the appliances in the RV or it can cause other electrical issues when you are driving on the road.

#2 – Focus on the fan in the RV power converter

Why should you need to check the fan in the RV power converter? This part is quite crucial because it will hold the electrical elements cool to accurately work. When checking the fan, you probably hear a humming noise. Do not worry about it because this is a good signal that the small fan is still available.

If the small fan is malfunctioning, you will need to replace a new one. These fans are often obtainable in different hardware shops in your local region. Or you can order the product on the E-commerce website like Amazon, eBay, etc.

#3 – Access the coach battery terminal

To access the coach battery terminal, you should use the voltmeter with a wire color coding scheme. Please note that the negative coach RV deep cycle battery has a white wire and the good one often has the black wire or the red one.

An excellent voltmeter reading is about 14 volts DC. If it does not have the energy, the converter charger will not do its job smoothly. It is essential to keep in mind that you should take the voltage meter on the coach terminals.

Further reading:

RV Power Converter Problem

#4 – Decide the quantification of converter connects to the DC breaker box

You should check the voltage meter with the 12-volt systems at the electricity socket as well as the DC Breaker Box. This can connect to a shore power or the best portable RV generator. Draw attention to all readings after testing the volt system.

In case the 12-volt accessories are approximately 14 volts on the output only (it is not placed on the converter charger), the converter charger is damaged. When you find out the converter charger gets 14 volts but it is not charging, the mistake part is the battery.

Do not miss out the connections in the DC Breaker Box because it is fundamentally used for the protection of the electrical gadgets which run with the direct current electricity. Another point to remember here is that the electric wiring linking to the DC Circuit Breaker Box and the electric tool being secured should have the right rated current like a 50 amp RV plug.

#5 – Examine the Power Converter Circuit and the Resistor

The primary point here is that you should draw attention to the power conversion where the electrical energy is changed from a form to another one like the conversion from AC to DC. A power converter is also an electromechanical tool for converting electrical power.

It can be the form of a transformer that will convert the voltage of the AC Power or it involves the tough systems such as the conversion from the normal alternating current to another form. You ought to check it by using the voltage meter.

#6 – Test the Power Converter

To check the Power Converter, you should also draw attention to the assessment of diodes. A diode has two terminals which can work in one direction. The most popular job of a diode is to help an electric current to overcome in a direction when preventing the current in the reverse direction or in the opposite direction.

The diode could become the electronic version of a test valve that allows fluid can flow in one direction. This is an important point as testing resistors or diodes is not simple than you may think even if you are an expert or you have experience in electrical industries.

RV Power Converter Troubleshooting

Identify some certain issues with the RV converter

In fact, you should realize some main problems with the RV converter and how to test RV converter at the same time. Here are a few things with the RV converter troubles:

  • No working because of the full lack of power
  • Sometimes, you can face the similar situation like the supply energy is present, but it is not enough for regular functioning in the 12V DC electrical system.
  • The background has something wrong inside
  • When the background gets a problem, you do not pay attention to this tiny factor until the 12V batteries are fully fatigued of their charge.
  • A bad battery can charge from a frequent battery
  • Do not surprise that the bad batteries can steal the energy from the normal batteries. Hence, it probably makes an awful process at the end.

Here is a resource for troubleshooting an RV Power Converter:


How do I test my RV charging system?

Testing your RV charging system is an important step in ensuring that your batteries are fully charged and ready to go when you need them. For the most accurate results, use a quality digital voltmeter to take voltage readings at each of the battery terminals. This will tell you how much charge they are currently receiving. It’s also a good idea to check the voltage at the RV’s power port. This should be within 10% of its rated value. If not, then you may need to adjust your RV’s battery switch or consult a professional for assistance.

Sum up

In a nutshell, when you have known how testing RV converter can be done, you would determine what you should do for the next steps. Also, you do not have to hire an electrical worker to help you with this job.

Other resources:

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