Traveling with a Tiny House? Why Not!

Traveling with a Tiny House

It’s widely claimed that traveling with a tiny house is an inspiring movement that many people are willing to give up a lot of their possessions and space just for living a simpler and smaller life. I’ve been following this trend for a couple of years, and now I’m completely obsessed with it. I mean love it.

Today, I’m over here to tell you the story of my life. In fact, my tiny life. If you’re free at the moment, why don’t you spend some time with me and listen to my own story?

What Does Traveling with a Tiny House Like?

A few years ago, I lived in New York. Here there’re a lot of rules, stresses, and bills. A city living is also very expensive. Lands are expensive. Building a small house here can cost you a ton of money. But, money is not the reason that makes me decide to move to a tiny house. Freedom is what I desire!

Traveling with a Tiny House
Source Image: Tiny House Giant Journey Instagram

Even though there’s an issue called “lack of money” involved, it’s not a big problem for me. That’s because I’m a programmer and a single 30-year-old man. My job luckily doesn’t require an office to go and back. A laptop with a strong Internet connection is all I need. And yes, I work on the way I travel. I also try to limit the working hours, so I can travel more and see more. Traveling is my main focus, and my work is just like a mean of paying it.

I’m a big fan of skiing. That’s why I parked my house near to a major ski area in Vermont. A great experience, which I can quiet the house down to leave in an hour, is draining the water system. This makes leaving the house behind in the winter to travel is straightforward. I have nothing to worry about blocked water pipes or any kind of breakdown caused to the house when leaving.

I went to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It took me around 15 hours of driving from here. So, this moving is genuinely not too bad which I broke up more than two days.

I also traveled to Portland, Oregon a few times. It’s where my sibling lives. I’m quite close with my family even though they all live in several places in the country. This creates a ton of visits that I wouldn’t have the capacity to stop off before.

This week, I plan to travel to Cape Cod to visit my family. Afterward, I took another trip to Newport for a folk festival. If I still live in New York, I bet I will never have the chance to take these amazing journeys.

Tips for Tiny House Travelers

Here are some tips from Tumbleweed Tiny Houses:

Knowing your House’s Weight

On the road with your little home, you probably have to go through some intense landscape. So, it’s critical that you should be aware of the towing limit and maximal tongue of your truck. Before buying or after building, make a measurement to figure out how your tiny house heavy. You’ll need a truck scale, and the method is very simple. First, you measure both truck and trailer together, then measure the truck alone, and the weight of the tiny house will be the difference of the subtraction. For your safety, I highly recommend you use a weight distribution hitch.

weight distribution hitch

Prepare for Living Off-grid

I have already written a post about this. You can check it here:

Knowing the Laws of States

In most states, you don’t have to get a licensing admittance in order to park your tiny house even though it’s heavier than a standard RVs. Unfortunately, the laws are not the same among states. For example, in California, contingent on the heaviness of your house, you may require a Class A license. Thus, to make sure everything is legal while traveling with a tiny house, you should check out laws related to residence and transportation in the states that you’re planning to stop off ahead in advance.

Prepare Leveling Tools

bubble levelers for tiny house
Photo by Tiny House Giant Journey

A couple of bubble levelers will be very useful in case you want to level your tiny house. I install one on the back center of my house, which is used to level the left and right site. I also feature another one on the side to level the front and back. Thanks to them, I can lift one side to 3-4 inches just by driving onto them. Moreover, bring several planks of wood if you’re afraid of a unlevel lot.

Buy an RV GPS

It’s crucial to know how tall your house is before starting the trip. My recommended tool for you is an RV GPS which would prevent you from trouble, such as low clearances or propane limitation. Besides, choose to run on routes that don’t pass low underpasses which are potentially lamentable.

Secure Items in the Interior

If you don’t want to see a chaos inside your tiny house when arriving the destination, then you should invest in protective lips. They’re great tools helping you secure all items that you put on the shelves, hooks, and drawers. Bungee cords also work very well. Keep in mind that traveling with a tiny house means carrying everything together. If you don’t have a good organization routine, you will waste a lot of time for cleaning and arranging.

If you want to find out more helpful tips for the safe and convenient traveling with a tiny house, check this video:

Final Thought

Life on an everyday premise is extraordinary. I work for myself, and I work at anywhere I stay. Now I have the freedom to travel around my beautiful country. I abandon a portion of fear coming with the financial responsibility of paying high living expenses. Living outdoors is amazing, and I feel like I’m a happier person!

Would any travelers like to share some of your experience as well as helpful tips about traveling with a tiny house? Please comment below!

P/s: This is the story of Bill Hooper – a man who travel around the country with his tiny house. Thank you, Bill, for sharing your experience with us and wishing you the best for your journey!

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