How to Charge Your RV Deep Cycle Battery?

How to Charge Your RV Deep Cycle Battery

Deep cycle batteries, which have the withstand-discharging design. They are different from the general batteries. The stored energy can reach up to 80%, so people often use them for the cold starting, in particular, the RVs, travel trailers or golf carts. So, how to charge deep cycle battery? Basically, charging the deep cycle batteries is relatively simple as long as you know how to perform. Look at here!!!

How to Charge Deep Cycle Battery – All Things Considered

How to Charge Deep Cycle Battery

Watch out for Charging System

Yes, say to the charging system, there are some of the efficient systems in order to utilize with the deep cycle battery such as the solar charging, alternator, generator, or combined charging. I am using the solar charging. And you?

  • Solar Charging

Are you utilizing solar charging? Well, you will necessarily have either the solar regulator or solar controller so as not to over-charge the battery. Frequently, you will have to purchase them separately, except it is available built-in the solar panel.

I have an RV using the deep cycle battery, so I have stored many models, including regulators and panels. And I am pleased to share my own experience with you. Today, a large number of panels consist of a silicon diode built-in so that the battery is not discharged opposite. Even so, the battery can also over-charge. It forces you to equip the regulator and panel.

Another note is the latest regulators with solar MPPT, which provides the high effectiveness ~ 97 percent if compared the old versions. It is ideal for a tight space.

  • Alternator

Not GEL, there are the AGM and Lead Acid batteries, which work well in most cars as well as the van alternators. But, I want to tell you that they cannot charge the deep cycle battery in a full way because they are not a charger. The best plan would be to come with a battery charger to main the power.

On the other hand, you also need to consider the output voltages of the alternator regularly in order to make sure the full battery. Due to the dual battery systems, the voltages quickly decrease.

  • Generator

If you are using a portable generator, you can recognize that it has not equipped the battery charging circuitry. So, you ought to be careful when using a DC outlet. Of course, you can also plug in a 240-voltage socket.

Although there have the advances of the new models (provide the power quickly), they are pretty noisy. Consequently, many people prioritize to use the solar whether they do not likely know how many watts solar panel to charge the deep cycle battery.

  • Combined Charging

The last of all, you can combine the above charging. In fact, there are plenty of combinations, which work effectively. With combined charging, there will be less fault related to the systems though they cannot still compare to the solar regulator.

Charge the Deep Cycle Battery

Charge the Deep Cycle Battery

You properly charge deep cycle battery, don’t you? And you do not know how to charge deep cycle battery, right? Are there the typical steps. Don’t have to worry! My share below will help you. Let’s see!

Step #1Disconnect the Deep Cycle Battery

Need to do that whether the majority of the stored batteries do not have to connect to other objects. And then, choose a dry area and move it to there. Prioritize the ventilated place.

Step #2Remove the battery cell covers

Each of the cells has the certain levels. To check these levels, remove the covers with a flat head screwdriver. Force you to disassemble the covers of the battery cell in a case of the sealed deep cycle battery.

Yes, I will tell you about the covers – the cells covered by a big cap or a specific form of the individual cell plug. Remove it by prying up on a cap. Don’t forget to wear the gloves and the eye-glasses when the cell splashes the acid out.

Step #3Read the Hydrometer

Take the prepared hydrometer that inserts into a cell. At that time, the fluid will be drawn into your hydrometer. Based on the instructions, begin reading it.

As known, with some of the hydrometers, you can be going to have to utilize floating balls to define the low of the cell on the water while others need to have a needle gauge. And then, it is necessary to have a certain water level that contributes to supporting the battery electrolytes and enabling the proper running of the battery.

I especially take the low of the cell into consideration. Add the distilled water when recognizing the cell get low. Remember recapping the cells after testing.

Step #4Set the Battery Charger

A slow or trickle charge is appropriate. The next, consider the charging level – the voltage of the deep cycle battery. Are there 6, 12, or 24 volts? For the battery charger coming with the voltage settings, set the amp rate ~ 20% per hour of the battery charging.

See on either the side or top of the batter to determine the amp rate per hour. After charging the deep cycle battery for many years, I recognize a point – it would be best to charge it when it has the lowest charge flow.

Step #5Connect the Cable

Start with the charger. On the battery, there are the terminal posts. You will connect both together. Ensure that you do not connect the pole wrongly. The positive cable must be connected to the positive terminal post. Continuously, connect the negative cable.

Frequently, the positive pole has a red-colored wire, along with a plus sign. On the contrary, looking a minus sign, there is the negative terminal.

Step #6Turn on the Charger

Take about twenty minutes after turning on the charger. On the battery charger, don’t forget to check the charge meter. If you want to get the actual charge that is or is not existing in your battery in a precise way, it can be going to take a long period of time.

In case the battery charger also consists of a voltage regulator, you can feel secure in order to leave your battery. Or even, it likely comes back in a convenient manner because that charger allows shutting down automatically once the voltage reached the precision.

In my case, the charger does not include a regulator. Accordingly, I can only monitor the meter of the charge per hour until it is full of the energy. After all, I just disconnect the charger. Complete!

Some Key Rules When Charging Deep Cycle Battery

Some Key Rules When Charging RV Deep Cycle Battery

How to hook up TV to RV Antenna in my previous article seems simpler when you do not have to pay attention the tips or warn too much. Nevertheless, to charge deep cycle battery for your travel trailer/ RV/ car, you need to remember some gold rules, in particular,…

  • You do not absolutely flatten the battery. The best plan would not be to take out more 60 percent.
  • You accidentally over-charge or flatten your deep cycle battery, don’t you? Well, let your battery back-up ASAP.
  • Use the charger with the suitable type and size for your battery. Follow the instructions to charge properly.
  • When you are not using your deep cycle battery, place it on a trickle-charge.
  • Every 30 days, you must recharge the stored batteries in a full way so as to make sure the ability to work effectively.
  • Always charge your battery fully without overcharging. The worst thing likely leads to the battery exploding.

In Brief

For the time being, it is certain that you have found the answer to how to charge deep cycle battery, right? In fact, it is not also too hassle and complicated. It requires that you follow the steps accurately.

In order, you consider the charging system to charge properly. Based on my guide, you will not worry about charging improperly. Keep the rules in mind! Like that, you can make sure the lifespan of your battery. It means that you are saving.

The last words, though you have purchased the best deep cycle battery for RV or the similar vehicles yours, it will be able to break down, especially when you charge it in a wrong way. Correspondingly, I hope that my share is helpful for you. Happy having the trips enjoy!

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